15 April 2019
It’s always good to get away but it’s always good to get home again. The older I get the more I appreciate being home and the islands that I live on. I spent a week in Edinburgh at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival teaching and selling yarn (many thanks to everyone that came to classes and purchased something from me!), I came home for a couple of nights and then headed away again for a little holiday to London, Legoland in Windsor and then back to Edinburgh for a few nights. While I had a great time and enjoy being in the city for a short time, its is nice to get back to the islands again.
When I step off the plane in Sumburgh it always strikes me how open Shetland is and how the sky looks so much bigger here (and how windy it is!).
Fellow islander, Mark Fullerton has been buzzing around Burra Isle (where I live and where the fleece for Langsoond yarn originates from) with his drone taking photos and videos, its fascinating to see the place from this view. He has very generously agreed to let me share some of these photos and a video with you.

The photos below show the crofts where Langsoond yarn originates and Langsound, the strip of water bordering the crofts that the yarn is named after.

Burra, with Langsound & Quarff in the distance

Isn’t the natural world amazing?
I am in the process of restocking the website with the yarn that is left from the Edinburgh Yarn Festival and the jumper and house felt brooches; to be notified as soon as they are available please sign up to my newsletter (enter your email address in the box at the bottom of the linked page) – thank you!